Us ambassador fake news eu media
US ambassador denies own ‘fake news’ claim – POLITICO
US ambassador denies own ‘fake news’ claim – POLITICO
22. dec. 2017 — US ambassador denies own ‘fake news’ claim. Pete Hoekstra denied saying the Netherlands has ‘no-go’ zones and using the words ‘fake news.
Pete Hoekstra denied saying the Netherlands has ‘no-go’ zones and using the words ‘fake news.’ Footage proved him wrong.
US ambassador to Netherlands says sorry for ‘fake news …
US ambassador to Netherlands says sorry for ‘fake news’ interview debacle | US foreign policy | The Guardian
23. dec. 2017 — Pete Hoekstra, the newly sworn-in US ambassador to the Netherlands, issued a public apology on Saturday for comments he made in a 2015 interview …
Pete Hoekstra contradicted himself twice in a minute on Dutch TV, denying he had spoken of Muslim-only ‘no-go’ zones then denying the terms of his denial
US ambassador to Netherlands describes own words as ‘fake …
22. dec. 2017 — New ambassador Pete Hoekstra then denied saying he’d used the phrase in interview with Dutch TV.
Ambassador Pete Hoekstra Apologizes For ‘Fake News … – Time
Ambassador Pete Hoekstra Apologizes For ‘Fake News’ Exchange | Time
23. dec. 2017 — U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands Pete Hoekstra criticized a Dutch journalist for “fake news,” then denied saying the words “fake news.”
U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands Pete Hoekstra criticized a Dutch journalist for “fake news,” then denied saying the words “fake news.”
US ambassador to Netherlands describes … – The Irish Times
US ambassador to Netherlands describes own words as ‘fake news’ – The Irish Times
22. dec. 2017 — US ambassador to Netherlands describes own words as ‘fake news’. Pete Hoekstra then denied saying he’d used the phrase in interview with …
Pete Hoekstra then denied saying he’d used the phrase in interview with Dutch TV
Trump’s ambassador to Netherlands in ‘fake news’ blunder
Trump’s ambassador to Netherlands in ‘fake news’ blunder – BBC News
22. dec. 2017 — The Trump appointee then appeared to deny the “fake news” term he had used earlier in the interview. The exchange left Wouter Zwart, US …
Dutch TV catches out new envoy Pete Hoekstra on Islamic “no-go zones” claim.
US Ambassador to Netherlands Clashes with Dutch Reporters …
US Ambassador to Netherlands Clashes with Dutch Reporters Over Remarks About Muslims
10. jan. 2018 — Pete Hoekstra, new U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands, gives a statement … Nieuwsuur that they were “an incorrect statement — fake news.
Peter Hoekstra refused to clarify comments made in 2015 that claimed Muslims burned cars and Dutch politicians
Trump’s ambassador to the Netherlands just got caught lying …
Pete Hoekstra said claim that he said the Netherlands has ‘no go zone’ is ‘fake news.’ Then the reporter showed him video. – The Washington Post
22. dec. 2017 — Dutch journalist to new US Ambassador: you said there were ‘no go zones’ in Netherlands, where are they? Ambassador: That’s fake news, …
Pete Hoekstra called it “fake news.” Then the reporter showed him a video clip.
Keywords: us ambassador fake news eu media